Friday, September 14, 2012

Eli's Family!

It's been quiet over here and we're betting you thought the Finishers were finished. No way! We're excited to be back in the finishing game in an attempt to help Eli's family! Who is Eli? We're so glad you asked, because we really want to share his picture with you.

Isn't he darling? They just don't come much sweeter than this little guy. His Mom and Dad travel to meet him in about 3 weeks. They're praying they'll only need to make one trip and we're believing for this with them. Eli's country is a relatively new program for our Reece's Rainbow family, so we're excited to see how things progress. All that being said, we've watched as Jamie (Mommy) has fund raised her heart out for Eli. They're within $1,000 of their goal to be FULLY FUNDED!

Right now, their family grant on Reece's Rainbow reads $5,030. Go ahead and check it out: Eli's Family Grant. Those numbers need to read $6,030. The Finishers have dug deep and come up with a $300 matching grant for Eli's family. That means that dollar for dollar up to $300 will be matched. Once the match is met Eli's family will only need $400 to hit the finish line.

We're starting this match, right now! It's a Friday morning and we're hoping that as you look forward to the weekend, you'll think of Eli and give a little of your fun money to help bring him home. His family will really appreciate it and you can read more about them on their blog. Please, help us spread the word by sharing on facebook and praying. You can make a tax-deductible donation to Eli's Family Grant and we'll match it to help bring him home.

We'll keep you posted as the day progresses! We have until midnight Saturday to meet the challenge, but we anticipate watching as God plows down this last mountain for the Allison family, today! Let's FINISH this!

Pray, Adopt, Advocate, Support...Finish Something!

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